The Battle for Truth

The battle for truth constantly rages around us. Satan uses as his mouthpiece those who preach a heretical theology-a false gospel-and the doctrine of demons. This can be seen in recent displays of Satan worship (i.e., the 2022 Common Wealth Games Opening Ceremonies, the 2023 Grammy Awards). To some degree, false teachers have wormed their way into every Christian denomination, church, school, college, seminary, and media outlet. By using Satan’s power of deception with false miracles and false visions, they lead immature believers away from the truth to embrace the enemy’s lies.
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When the Bell Rings

School drop-off is routine for most parents. Whether drop-off is at the bus stop or in the car line, parents hand their treasured blessings off to adults that may or may not have their child’s best interest at heart. When the bell rings, do you know what your children are being exposed to? Sadly, most parents never give it a second thought.
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Wailing Walks

We adopted our youngest two children from Rwanda when they were preschoolers. Blending their early developmental trauma with our imperfect parenting skills has led to some challenges. When my daughter was ten, one of her chores was to walk the family dog with me—which she hated. She always made sure I was aware of her displeasure. Stuck in her negative emotions, she typically spent the first ten minutes of our walks wailing.
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Glittering Hope

The darkness of human trafficking is extremely pervasive. Too often, people become aware of human trafficking but believe it to be happening in some third world country or in a back alley. No one believes this could  be happening on the streets of their city or at their next-door neighbor’s house.The enemy would love for us to remain this naive.
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A Captive Woman

At sixteen, I married the man my father chose, but only a month later, before I could join him and his family in the UK, he died. My in-laws would never say more than that...
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A Cold: Curse or Blessing?

Catching a cold is not something we look forward to when winter rolls around. In fact, if our family makes it to Spring without using a legion of tissues, enduring the vapor of Vicks, and the after-taste of menthol cough drops, we consider ourselves victorious. One winter, after we left the holidays  in the rearview mirror, sore throats, congestion, and body aches crept in, shattering our cold-free streak. I was so frustrated. How could I possibly accomplish all I need to do while fighting this nasty cold? Sickness was cramping my style.
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University of South Carolina and Lexington Medical Center Build Partnership to Train Nurses

Construction is underway on a new building to train University of South Carolina nursing students at Lexington Medical Center.

This project will grow a public-private partnership between the university’s College of Nursing and Lexington Medical Center. A 52,000-square-foot state-of-the-art nursing simulation center and teaching space will be built on the hospital’s campus to provide clinical training for the University of South Carolina’s growing nursing student population.

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Fighting for Two Lives

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Feaster. The biopsy confirmed that it is breast cancer.”

One sentence from a phone call on November 17, 2021 changed my life forever. I couldn’t have cancer. I’m only 25 years old, and I’m six months pregnant. How could this be true?

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