I Am

I am a failure. 
I can’t do anything right. 
I am always letting myself down. 
I am always letting my family down. 
I am always letting You down. 
I AM your perfection. 
I can do no wrong in you, or through you, or any other way. 
I AM the one holding you and your family up. 
You are a redeemed sinner. 
You can do nothing right of your own flesh, 
But surrendered fully to Me, you will be used in mighty ways to fulfill My great and perfect plan. 
You hold neither yourself, nor your family, nor Me up. 
That’s My job. 
It always has been and always will be. 
But I get caught up in my guilt because I feel so responsible. 
If I had just— 
I AM good. 
You are loved. 
It is finished. 
Say it and believe it. 
You are good. 
I am loved. 
It is finished. 
But I’ve messed up and I wish I hadn’t— 
I AM good. 
You are loved. 
It is finished. 
Say it and believe it. 
You are good. 
I am loved. 
It is finished. 
But what about when I— 
You are good. 
I am loved. 
It is finished. 


is a senior in high school, planning to attend Anderson University in the fall. She enjoys reading, writing, cheering on the PAC Panthers and Clemson Tiger football teams, and spending time with her family and friends. 

If you are, or know of a young writer of faith (age 8-20) who we might feature in our Young Writer Series, please have them contact us at HELLO@LIVINGREALM AG.COM . 


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