Giggles in the Wind

Leaning back in my home office chair, I stretched long and breathed a deep breath into my tired lungs. I had been sitting for hours writing stories, answering emails, reviewing financial documents, reading Scripture, and sharing time with God.

On the front of my computer, there is a handwritten note along with a heart drawn on a piece of paper. The bold letters read, “PRAY FIRST.” These words greet me every time I sit down to work.

Whether the day begins with happy news or troublesome news, the words on that small piece of paper remind me to go to Him first in every situation. They bring a smile to my face because I know that praying draws me closer to my Lord.

Exhausted, I continued leaning back in the chair, hoping to linger a little longer. As I closed my eyes, I thought I heard something. Pausing to listen again, I noticed the glorious sound of giggles.

I stood up to peer out the front window. Children were outside playing and giggling. They were not directly in front of my home but in a yard a few houses down the street. Sidewalk chalk, dolls, trucks, and bubbles entertained them as they enjoyed their day.

Their giggles traveled down the street to my house. Those precious sounds not only made me smile, I giggled too. Then, I stopped and gave thanks to God for giving me reason to pause, walk away from the concerns of the day, to simply enjoy those sweet, innocent giggles drifting along in the wind.

What is it that distracts you? Why not stop what you’re doing right now and give pause to notice God’s beauty and sounds around you? If you listen a little harder, you may even hear some giggling.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! (Philippians 4:4, niv)

Melissa Henderson
is an award winning author who writes inspirational messages laced with a bit of humor. With stories in books, magazines, devotionals and more, Melissa hopes to encourage readers. Melissa is the author of Licky the Lizard and Grumpy the Gator. Her passions are helping in community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon and Stephen Minister. Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and at

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