Beach Meanderings

Always Asking for More

Many people love the beach no matter what season it is. I am one of those. There’s a calm that comes with the vastness of the ocean view. I take to the beach in search of some serious alone time—pushing the pause button on life to relax and reflect. The beach is my happy place. It’s where I can enjoy some rich conversations with God. Years of meandering along the South Carolina breezy shores and talking with the Lord have taken me into deeper waters of faith.

One of my normal activities as I walk on the beach is looking for shark teeth. They have become a visual for when God is speaking to my heart. On this particular day, I found a really good one.

My immediate thought was, ‘I want another one!’

But then the Lord reminded me of something He’s been teaching me. How all too often we come to God wanting more of His good gifts before we’ve even given thanks for those lying right in front of us.

The Word tells us in Matthew 7: 7-8 (CSB), Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

The Word also tells us to Rejoice always, pray constantly, and to give thanks in everything; this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18, CSB). God gives, and we beg for more before even thanking Him for what’s already been given. We miss so much of Christ when we’re constantly striving for the next thing and the next. The real blessings come through our worship, our thanksgiving and praise. When we approach the Giver of all things good with a grateful heart, the aperture of God’s lens opens wider to us, bathing us in His light, reflecting His presence in our lives, and shining through His gifts of grace and mercy.

The “more” comes when we open our eyes to what He’s already put right in front of us.

We just have to look and see.


Angela Brown deeply loves being a mom to her own three, young adult children and the little peeps she gets to serve as Assistant Principal in South Carolina’s Lexington School District Two. Her passion for education is second only to her contagious passion for Jesus Christ and the Bible. She serves on the worship team at her church as vocalist and enjoys teaching the Word to all ages.

Photo by Zack Minor on Unsplash

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