Beach Meanderings

There’s a calm that comes with the vastness of the ocean view. I take to the beach in search of some serious alone time—pushing the pause button on life to relax and reflect. 
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Launching our Children with Love

Many parents struggle with their children’s transition to young adulthood. Sometimes — and I’m speaking from parental experience — it’s hard to let go. We want to help them. We want to give them what we didn’t have when we were their age. But, in all of our wants, are we hindering them from growing up and being responsible?
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God Hears

Oh the drama. My world was coming to an end, and I can’t even remember why. What I do remember is crying out to the Lord as a very young Christ follower. I prayed, “If I ever have a daughter, please allow us to get along well while she lives at home, and please don’t let her struggle with weight or body image.” 
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Why Not Me?

If there ever was a person who lived life to the full in the midst of suffering, it was my wife of almost 53 years, Janelle Green. She used to say, “You can see more through a windshield than you can through a rear view mirror.”
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Letter From the Editor: Fall 2018

I’ve been pondering a bit lately about Mr. Rogers. You know, the “Won’t you be my neighbor” guy? It’s probably because I saw the documentary about his life last summer — twice! What an amazing man with an enormous heart. For over 30 years his message of love others and love yourself captivated children and parents alike. But I believe it was his pastoral call, and his love for God that drove him to reach as many children as possible with his television neighborhood of kindness, love, and extravagant grace.
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Fully Dressed

Nothing grabs your full attention quite like hearing the word cancer. There is never a more important time to put on the full armor of God.
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