God Hears

There I was...

A distraught teenager sitting in my room. I was unhappy about being slightly overweight and once again arguing with my mother. All I knew to do was cry. That’s what teenage girls do, right?

Oh the drama. My world was coming to an end, and I can’t even remember why. What I do remember is crying out to the Lord as a very young Christ follower. I prayed, “If I ever have a daughter, please allow us to get along well while she lives at home, and please don’t let her struggle with weight or body image.” Then, I’m pretty sure I cried myself to sleep. The day was done, and that prayer was never revisited. Honestly, I forgot all about it.

Fast forward 20+ years.

In a prayerful moment with the Lord I was thanking Him for my relationship with my daughter; thanking Him that she was confident, athletic, and comfortable in her skin. Never did she complain about her body being too big. Then, ever so gently, the Lord reminded me, “Sweet girl, don’t you remember all those years ago? This is what you asked of Me. You may have forgotten, however, I heard you.”

Wow! I had forgotten, but His words were so very true! In those times we cry out from a place of emptiness, drama, or desperation, God hears us. He promises to listen to our prayers. That forgotten prayer was a raw, unashamed prayer pouring out of my insecure, broken heart. There were no flowery words or quoted Scripture verses. It was nothing more than a teen’s sincere cry for help. You know, 30 years later, I should revisit those raw, heartfelt prayers and trace His hand of faithfulness in my life.

...But God has surely listened and has heard my prayer.
- Psalm 66:19 NIV

God is always listening to His children. He loves us— no matter what or how we pray. There is nothing we can do as children of God that will make our prayers any more or less attractive to Him. We are His, and He longs to hear from us. He’s always there.

Are you struggling? Have you called out for help? Or, are there prayers you have taken before the Lord that may be hidden deep in your heart? Wait, watch, and see…God hears!


Teresa McAfee Anderson is a Christ follower, wife, mother of 5, adventurer, and writer.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

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