Katie Eats: Snack Well and Avoid the ‘Tude

Unhealthy snacks are a constant temptation.

You walk by a vending machine. A candy bar catches your eye and your mouth begins to water…

You’re at a party intentionally enjoying just one small plate, but before you know if, one turns into two or even three…

The kids are always begging for snacks, so why not have one yourself too?

Snacking can easily make our calorie intake too high, so being disciplined with snacking is one key to living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a healthy weight. I always carry snacks with me. Eating healthy foods throughout the day keeps my family and me from getting “hangry.” That’s our family’s term for an unsatisfied hunger resulting in an angry attitude.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear but one of power, love, and sound judgment.
– 2 Timothy 1:7 CSB

For quick snacks we eat lots of nuts and raisins. We love walnuts, almonds, pistachios and peanuts. For years I only bought raw nuts. However, I’ve started buying lightly salted almonds and peanuts since my kids like them better with a little added salt.

protein bars

Protein bars make a great on-the-go snack. Larabars and RxBars are some of our favorites. These protein packed snacks come in many flavors and contain pure ingredients without added sugar and salt. My kids are very fond of the peanut butter cookie and cashew cookie Larabars as well as the peanut butter and blueberry RxBars.


When packing snacks, it’s essential to carry those that don’t require refrigeration. Baby carrots can be carried in a purse or backpack without becoming squished or too soft throughout the day. We eat lots of hummus with our carrots. I suggest purchasing hummus in individual packs to take along with you as you go about your busy day.

Having healthy snacks at our fingertips allows us to eat well when the craving hits, and before we get irritable. We are much more pleasant to be around when we don’t feel the need to rush to the nearest convenience store or vending machine to buy junk food. Having healthy options readily available allows us to eat food that nourishes our bodies, unlike candy, chips, and soda.

Snacking well can help us better reflect the heart and attitude of Christ, but we can’t do it in our own strength. In 2 Timothy 1:7 CSB, Paul tells us, For God has not given us a spirit of fear but one of power, love and sound judgment. The ESV translation uses the term self-control. Many of us turn to food for comfort when we feel life is spiraling out of control, but God has already given believers His power and sensible judgment for controlling our selfish cravings, including our eating habits. He’s ready and willing to help us choose wisely if we’ll just ask Him.

Happy snacking!


Katie Bryan is a food blogger, wife and mother of two sweet girls. She also teaches classes on nutrition and faith. Get healthy recipes on her blog: KatieEats.com

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