Letter From the Editor: Fall 2021

Hello Friends,

As temperatures fall and sweater weather blows in, we are here to warm your heart and soothe your soul. Every ounce of truth is prayerfully selected to pour you a tasteful blend of what matters most. So, kick back in your favorite chair with your favorite mug, and allow us to serve you.

Have you given pause lately to take in the beauty of God’s creation? Have you reflected on His amazing gifts to you and your family, or simply halted the whirling merrygo-round of life to thank Him for all He’s done for you? Cathy Baker and Melissa Henderson in their articles share some practical wisdom about learning how to pause and place our focus on the ordinary, holy moments we may be missing.

Dr. Don Wilton, in this edition’s Going Deeper article, takes us up a tree and back down again with a wee, little man named Zacchaeus. After his encounter with Christ, I don’t think you’ll ever see ole’ Zach in the same light again. Have your Bible handy for this one.

Without an art lesson or ever putting pencil to paper, how did Mary Burkett of West Columbia, SC do it? In less than a year, how did she draw 27 portraits of little children killed in the Holocaust, and how did the Beloved: Children of the Holocaust end up on display in places all over the world? A Pencil in His Hand will challenge you to place your “yes” at the feet of Jesus even before you know what He will ask of you.

It’s been 20 years since the hellish attack on American soil by those filled with grotesque evil intentions against humanity. We all watched in horror as the planes hit the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and as heroes on another hi-jacked aircraft crashed it before it could hit the next target. Eva Priest was watching that day too. But instead of focusing on settling back into life with some resemblance of normal afterwards, she chose to pack her bags. She was compelled to go to the land where forces of evil and war are the norm in the lives of the Afghan people, and where severe abuse, especially towards women, runs rampant. Why did she go? Read her story in A Watershed Moment.

Why are so many children growing up without fathers, and what impact is this having on our young people and communities? What needs to be done to turn the tide? See Palmetto Family’s editorial, The Manhood Meltdown by Mitch Prosser, to find out.

After the passing of a dear friend, Toni Rypkema wrote a letter to her friend’s daughters. She wanted them to always remember their mom’s strong faith and courage as she pushed through her difficult circumstances. Remember Jenny – a letter to her daughters will touch your heart.

Don’t forget to tune in to Season 2 of the Living Real Podcast. My guests have been awesome. Every conversation has lifted up the name of Jesus and
proclaimed His glory in its own unique way. You don’t want to miss an episode. To listen to the Living Real Podcast, visit LivingRealMag.com/podcasts or on Apple

Before you turn the page, I want you to know how humbled we are that Living Real has made its way into your hands and, hopefully, your heart. May God bless you and your family as you seek to live out your faith every day.

Keepin’ it Real,

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