Letter From the Editor: Spring 2020

Hello Friends!

God is always moving His story forward. He’s continuously transforming His people into something beautiful and everlasting. He invites us to move forward with Him, surrendering to His molding and shaping as He is redeeming, restoring, and making all things new. Being engaged with Him and His work means we are constantly marching into unfamiliar territory—expanding our borders for His glory.

On January 10, 2020, Living Real Magazine’s borders were expanded into the world of podcasting! In our previous issue we celebrated 10 years of publishing. Our birthday gift for you was to bring you MORE through the Living Real Podcast. From your devices, you now have access to more encouragement, more stories, and more conversations about what real life looks like when real faith is infused into every fiber of our being. Let me just say, this new thing God is doing has me pumped!

Episode one, a conversation with Jen Thompson, CEO of Lighthouse for Life, is all about what God is teaching her through this difficult, but rewarding, walk of faith. Living Real Magazine is honored to partner with this amazing non-profit ministry as they seek to educate the public about sex-trafficking as well as their commitment to rescue and restore those caught up in this evil through the Karis Home. Check out their ad on the inside front cover.

Our second episode was a much anticipated, intimate conversation with my friends, Amy and Samie Abinsinguza about The McKinsey Foundation (mckinseyfund.org). Since our sharing of McKinsey Cook’s legacy of faith story (Amy’s daughter) five years ago, God has certainly not stopped moving her story forward. From a mustard seed of faith planted in the soil of McKinsey’s 20-year old heart, to transplanting that seedling with tender care into Amy’s heart after McKinsey’s tragic death, God has watered it, nurtured it, fertilized it, and now, because Amy finally surrendered to Him, He is growing that seed of faith beyond what anyone could have ever dreamed or imagined.

As you peruse this issue, you’ll discover more about God’s working in and through His people. Even in uncertain times like these, God is teaching His children to rely on Him. Our counselor, Gena Lindsey, reminds us of some powerful truths to help us remain calm and carry on.

Have you ever pulled the prayer covers up over your home? Cathy Baker has. She shares her story of why praying over every room in her house allowed God’s peace to settle in.

When Carolyn Heimberger stepped into her season of retirement, God did not dust His hands off implying He was finished with her. Instead, He started something new.

From her beautiful Barn kitchen, Lere` Robinson has created a beautiful, hearty power bowl recipe for you to try. She reminds us that not all fats are created equal and shares what fats are needed in our diets to be healthy.

Please welcome Allison Jones featured in our Young Writers Series. Allison shares a reflective and conversational poem titled, I AM.

I love almost anything chocolate, so the article based on Michelle Sullivan’s new book, Chocolate Cake Marriage, piqued my interest. Michelle took a leap to prove a tried and true recipe for a healthy, delectable marriage.

What does it take to be a pastor’s wife? More than we’ll ever know. Dr. Wayne J. Edwards gives great insight as he honors the life of Marie Davis, one of the sweetest, most gentle, and humble pastor’s wives I’ve ever known. I pray you’ll get a true sense of the depth of the calling on a pastor’s wife, the challenges these precious women face, and the sacrifices required for them to serve their Lord, their husbands, their families, and their churches well.

There’s so much more for you to discover in this volume of Living Real, so please, be our guest. Read it, share it, and email us your comments at hello@livingrealmag.com. And, if you would, please rate us on Facebook @LivingRealMag. We love our readers (and podcast listeners)!

Keepin’ it Real,

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