Are you a natural conversation starter? I’m not.
I’m especially hesitant to begin a conversation about my Christian faith with people I don’t know or just met. Many Christians have a hard time sharing their faith, so I know I’m not alone. Most people won’t actively flee town to keep from speaking about Jesus as the prophet Jonah did, but avoiding opportunities or remaining silent when given an opportunity is far too common.
Why are we so nervous? Have you heard or used these excuses?
“I have a hard time starting conversations.”
“I don’t want to push my beliefs on others.”
“People may ask questions I can’t answer.”
Insecure or shy people often lack the social experience to initiate small talk. To improve your skills, pick up a book or listen to a podcast for tips on small talk. Or just start with, “Hello. Nice to meet you. What do you do when you aren’t here?”
Some people aren’t aware of what they don’t know and would love to have a conversation about God. And, if they question your beliefs, it may be just the impetus you need to strengthen your own faith in certain areas.
Even though I grew up in church and became a believer at a young age, I can still get tongue-tied when sharing the Gospel as my mind becomes a convoluted mess. Investing time in Bible studies, verse memorization, and theological discussions with those more mature in their faith can help us speak with more confidence and clarity when sharing our faith.
My mind is wired for small facts. As a child, I’d win prizes for memorizing verses. I wish I’d kept the practice up. I can grasp bigger, theological and philosophical ideas, but those take more time to settle into my brain.
Just as nerves can cause a mind to go blank when discussing faith, nerves can make well-known facts disappear from the brain or fall off the tip of the tongue when the answer is right there. I’ve learned, though, that you don’t have to have all the answers to get in the game.
I think of it like Jeopardy! I actually competed on the show… once (meaning I didn’t win).
Despite what many people believe, Jeopardy! contestants aren’t told what to study beforehand. Instead, you simply need to know details about every single subject and recall it within a few seconds with enough confidence to buzz in and answer before the other contestants. Easy. Right?
Unlike the game, Gospel conversations simply require an understanding of the essentials of the Christian faith. Studying God’s Word will provide what you need.
In sharing your faith, you need to know and believe in your heart the basic truths for salvation:
- There is one God and the only way to Him is through His Son, Jesus Christ. (John 14:6)
- Jesus was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life. (Matthew 1:18-25; 2 Corinthians 5:21)
- Jesus died on the cross as the only worthy sacrifice for our sins. (Matthew 27:32-56)
- Jesus rose from the grave and conquered death (the penalty for sin). (Matthew 27:57-28:20)
- When we believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord, we are forgiven of our sins and become a new creation in Christ. (Romans 10:9-10; 1 John 1:9, 2 Corinthians 5:17)
By being able to confidently speak to these basic truths, we can offer any person an opportunity to surrender their life to Christ.
Dwelling on the basics has strengthened my confidence in approaching people with the Gospel. I know I will never have all the answers; but I can engage in a conversation with full confidence knowing the Holy Spirit is inside me to help. And, if I get stumped, I can always reply, “I’ll get back to you on that.” And then, follow through.
Don’t be afraid. No more excuses. Invite someone into a faith conversation today!
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