My Father Said: A Podcast Journey through Faith, Family, and Finance

In 1995, I ventured into the Financial Services industry. I thought it would help us solve the all too common problem of stretching paychecks to cover household expenses. Amidst this struggle, I discovered a deeper issue. I had allowed financial responsibilities and the pursuit of financial success to often overshadow life's true purpose. In my pursuit of wealth, I had inadvertently sidelined my faith, relegating Christ to a secondary role.
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Life Is Worth the Living

She sat in her doctor’s office awaiting test results. At forty years old, she was sure pregnancy wasn’t the cause of her unusual symptoms. It couldn’t be. With two children, one in elementary school and one in middle school, she and her husband were not looking to start over. Besides, they were told they couldn't have any more children. 
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The Horse Connection

My beautiful horse, Rita, was covered in dried blood, dirt, and sweat. She was so beaten up and traumatized that, as she struggled to stand, she was almost unrecognizable.
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Saturated with the Gospel

I love rain. I love the smell of rain even before the first drop falls. As a child, I would lie in the door and watch the rain. To this day, I love to fall asleep listening to the rain. While too much rain can cause severe damage, especially when coupled with strong winds and deafening thunder, the fact is, life wouldn’t exist without the rain. 
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Trust and Throw - Embracing God’s Presence in Times of Stress

“Ouch!” Excruciating pain tore through me as I yelled at my attacker, ““Get out of here!” Angrily, I blotted the blood running out of two deep wounds.  Hobson was in trouble even though I knew my lovable cat didn’t mean to dig his sharp claws into my foot. He was just trying to scoop up a toy he had dropped. But it hurt. I screamed at him and lo...
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The Weaving of Shalom

A few years ago, my husband and I traveled to rural India on a journey to explore adoption. The long trip involved planes, trains, and automobiles. With each successive change of transportation, we moved deeper into rural country, entering one of India’s most backward states, especially in terms of education and empowerment for girls. 
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No More Excuses

Are you a natural conversation starter? I’m not. I’m especially hesitant to begin a conversation about my Christian faith with people I don’t know or just met. Many Christians have a hard time sharing their faith, so I know I’m not alone. Most people won’t actively flee town to keep from speaking about Jesus as the prophet Jonah did, but avoiding opportunities or remaining silent when given an opportunity is far too common.

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A Stranger's Gift

“I believe our car is overheating,” my husband exclaimed as he carefully drove our trusty station wagon down the Asheville mountains. We had attended a family reunion and were on our way home. Tired and thirsty children added to the tense moment. “Oh, please, not car issues now, “ I mumbled. We were still three long hours away from home.
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