Letter From the Editor: Fall 2022

Hello Friends,

The chill in the air reminds us we’re in a season of change. Moving from summer to fall and fall to winter are seasonal changes I get excited about. Swapping out sandals for boots, t-shirts for sweatshirts, and cold coffee for hot? Oh yeah.
As Christians, we also encounter spiritual seasons of change. Some are exciting; some are extremely difficult. Our salvation journey ebbs and flows, teaching us along the way how to lean on Jesus and trust Him more. Becoming Christ-like is not easy, and according to 1 Corinthians 2: 12-16, only the Spirit-minded person can understand and evaluate life through the eyes of Christ.

Examining the spiritual condition of our nation also requires godly wisdom. We can’t see the truth if we’re not viewing life through a biblical lens. In Ephesians 5:11 (CSB), Christians are commanded to not participate in the fruitless works of darkness, but instead expose them. What a remarkable responsibility, especially in the times we’re living in today. Exposing evil, though, cannot be done in our own strength. Only the light of Christ can illuminate the dark, and only the Holy Spirit can search and know the secrets of the heart. Yet, Christ living in us, through the Holy Spirit, empowers us to radiate His glory so He can draw the hearts of others to Himself.

What season of faith are you in? A dry season, a growing season, or an in between season? Is your light shining as it should be? Are you producing good fruit or fruitless works?

On the pages that follow, I pray you will absorb the truth of God’s Word illuminated through the stories and teachings of our contributors, and that you will be drawn to the Bible to search the Scriptures for yourself. Ask the Holy Spirit to examine your heart, strengthen your faith, encourage you and, most importantly, develop in you the mind of Christ.

Remember, God is still on His throne—faithful to the end. To those who follow Christ, whatever season you find yourself in, may you embrace the moment and the good work He is doing in and through you.

Keepin’ it real...

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