Bruised Heals Dancing Feet

I stopped counting the number of times my friends said these words to me. As I approached the 90-day countdown to my birthday, I decided not to “just wait and see” but to “go and seek” God’s plan and purpose for this new season of life. I knew there was only one source for the answers I was seeking. 
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My Secret Sin

It’s hard to know how to begin telling you about something I’ve tried so hard to move past and forget, but let’s be real. Every man at some point has struggled with one habitual sin which inhibits us from being the whole man God designed us to be. A sin that, if not surrendered completely to God daily through prayer, asking for the wisdom and willpower to overcome it, will continue to root deeper and deeper into the secret place of the soul. If not dealt with, this sin-root becomes our stronghold, a constant stumbling block in our spiritual walk.
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Lighthouse for Life

We've all seen the news: children are being sold for sex. Yes, it is happening in Thailand, Costa Rica, India, and other countries. “Thank God it’s not happening here.” This was Andrea Wind’s assessment of human trafficking... until her pastor preached a sermon on the subject. 
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Too Attached - Updated

My husband and I have chosen a path to grow our family that is probably the most challenging one out there, foster care. Those two words alone make many people cringe. There’s a stigma with foster children and the foster care process that causes people to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to an entire world of possibility. 
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Got Joy?

Heading into my final year of middle school, I expected it to be just like any other but with more privileges. Thinking this would be an easy year, despite having to endure harder classes, I assumed I wouldn’t have to change any of my acquired middle school habits.
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My Isaac

When Greg and I were married in May of 2005, I never could have imagined the path God had for us within our first two years. I had no idea of the pain that would come our way, but also no idea how the faith within my heart would be enough to sustain me and cultivate my growth in the Lord. God was unfolding the rest of my life to be a testament to what faith in Him can accomplish.
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The Day I Grew Up

Do you remember the day you "grew up?"  I do. I’m not talking about becoming a specific age. I’m referring to the day I let go of the past. For forty years I lived life emotionally as a frightened six-year-old girl. 
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Spice Up The Season

Watching for the changing colors of nature and the reappearance of cozy sweaters, I love to get outside during this time of year. I especially enjoy sitting with friends around my deck table enjoying a cup of hot tea and a slice of this freshly baked cake!

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