Relax & Let God's Peace Fill Your Life

I love to jog in the early hours of the morning. Often, when I reach a certain spot, I hear a rooster crowing. The first time I heard it, I thought, ‘Who has a rooster in our neighborhood?’  I had a good idea of whose backyard he resided in until, on another jog, I ran a different route and heard the crowing coming from another neighborhood adja...
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Letter From the Editor: Fall 2020

The year 2020 is proof we are not created to do life alone. We are better together, especially the Body of Christ.

This is the reason Living Real exists. We want to do life alongside you to encourage and bring you hope. Life may overwhelm us at times, but God is faithful all the time.

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Happily Never Ending

The Ultimate Battle of Good VS. Evil  In the summer of 2020, I started watching ABC’s Once Upon a Time on Netflix. Given that I’ve always loved fairy tales and the simple life lessons gleaned from them, a series based on familiar characters with happy endings seemed like a good way to escape for an hour or two.  However, between the pages of t...
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A Cry For Joy

How A 'New Normal' Gave Me Reason to Search My Heart. I would never have expected to have to complete most of my spring 2020 college semester online. Due to Covid-19, I moved back home to embrace a new normal. Class lectures turned into pre-recorded sessions on my laptop, two-hour classroom exams turned into online assessments, and face-to-face...
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My Wicked Stepmother

Forgiveness Can Be a Process  I had barely started school when a charming woman waltzed into my father’s life. It wasn’t long after that she also entered mine as my stepmother. My memories of her are grisly.  I remember feeling startled and bewildered when she burst into my room and hurled my clothes onto the floor, the ones she had grudgingly f...
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Faith Over Fear

Hope Still Lives Here For many, home is our safe space. In our familiar surroundings, a favorite chair, the kitchen table, and the people we love, we climb into bed at night feeling safe and secure.  On May 23, 2020, just before 1:00 a.m. this sense of security was shaken for two families when a storm tore through Lexington South Carolina.  Shak...
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In Sickness & In Health

Vows Honored, Even After Circumstances Changed A young man of twenty met the girl of his dreams. After a whirlwind courtship of only two months, this excited young chap was looking forward to a future of wedded bliss with his young bride of eighteen. Little did he know, life would throw them a curveball. A test of faith, commitment, and integrit...
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