Simply Trust

Have you ever felt like your world has turned upside down? Everything was moving in the right direction. Then suddenly, my world was rocked.
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Ordinary World Changers

We know the truth. We’ve memorized the Sunday School answer: God is sovereign. He created us perfectly to do things He planned for us alone, and He intends for us to change the world right where we are. I wonder, though, do we spend enough time appreciating what that change looks like day in and day out?  
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Learning to Be Content

Some of our cars won’t fit in the garage because of the treadmill or ab cruncher that promised to make us into a fitness magazine model. Unfortunately, we find ourselves back again on the hamster wheel of dissatisfaction.
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Katie Eats: Healthier Burgers

Spring and summer months are filled with backyard cookouts and can easily lead to eating an unhealthy diet. So, I’m sharing with you some simple recipes for making delicious burgers with lots of healthier options.
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God, Please, Just One Year?

Driving away into the dark, cold, foggy morning, she sighs, thinking about how cozy her roommates must feel, nestled in their warm beds. But, teachers cannot sleep in. The students will not wait.
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A Change of Heart and Mind

God was challenging my perspective. As I desired to seek Christ more fully, God was teaching me to decrease. You see, my happy, content, four-and-no-more family wasn’t the problem. It was my thinking, “This is it. What more could I want?” that was hindering God’s plan. In Christ, there’s always more.
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A Dream Come True

Christian counseling can be life-changing. It’s not because counselors have magical powers or give lots of great advice, but because God can work powerfully through them to speak His healing truth into your life.

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Letter From the Editor: Spring 2018

My friend Lara and I were catching up in a booth at Panera Bread when our conversation led me to ask her opinion about a book idea that’s been stirring around in my mind for a while. She asked if I’d heard about The Turquoise Table, and I said, “Yes, but I’ve not read the book.”
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