Letter From the Editor: Fall 2018

I’ve been pondering a bit lately about Mr. Rogers. You know, the “Won’t you be my neighbor” guy? It’s probably because I saw the documentary about his life last summer — twice! What an amazing man with an enormous heart. For over 30 years his message of love others and love yourself captivated children and parents alike. But I believe it was his pastoral call, and his love for God that drove him to reach as many children as possible with his television neighborhood of kindness, love, and extravagant grace.
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Letter From the Editor: Spring 2018

My friend Lara and I were catching up in a booth at Panera Bread when our conversation led me to ask her opinion about a book idea that’s been stirring around in my mind for a while. She asked if I’d heard about The Turquoise Table, and I said, “Yes, but I’ve not read the book.”
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Letter From the Editor: Fall 2017

This time of year takes me back to wonderful childhood memories; trips to the mountains, fun Halloween costumes and trick-or-treating, throwing the football around with my dad in the yard during game halftimes, school events, Christmas concerts, and holiday meals around the table with family and friends. Now, all grown up, I still look forward to this wonderful time of year.
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Letter From the Editor: Spring 2017

Warmer days are here. What are your plans for the lazy days of summer? Our family will be taking our annual trip to the beach. We enjoy soaking up rays, breathing in salty air, going for long walks, reading, playing games and eating good food. Breezy summer evenings grilling out, sitting on the deck engaged in great conversation and watching some South Carolina baseball – Nope, it doesn’t get any better than that.
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Letter From the Editor: Fall 2016

As sweater weather settles in, the things I love about the cooler seasons are blanket cuddling, football watching, coffee sipping, even a skinny pumpkin spice or gingerbread latte (with whipped cream of course), and the warm glow of a fire. But, what’s even better is when these simple pleasures are shared with others.
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