iPhone Baby

On June 29, 2007 Apple released the first iPhone. The creators thought it would be a fun, easy way to send a few messages. They had no idea how dramatically it was going to change the world again—how people learn, work, communicate, and are entertained.
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To Silence the Enemy

The implosion of America does not lie at the feet of the wicked, but at the heart of the Church. For decades we’ve ignored our Christian responsibility to “train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6) and have allowed the secularists to train them. The number of children who have never stepped foot in a church or even heard the name of Jesus, except in vain, is continuing to increase. Even those who’ve grown up in the church are leaving the faith at alarming rates. Why do you think this is happening?
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Healthy Choices for the Entire Family

As parents, we quickly realize the huge responsibility bestowed on us. One of the most important gifts we can offer our children, besides the love of Jesus, is to teach and model good health practices. Providing a safe, stable environment for our children also includes serving them the best foods possible to nourish the growth of their bodies and minds. 
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The Opioid Crisis

JOSH WAS FINALLY “DONE, finished with drugs.” This was a huge relief for his father, Eric Bedingfield, the then-State Representative from Greenville County. Josh had struggled with drugs growing up, but his life was beginning to turn around. 
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The Lion King

Did you know there’s a Lion King inside God’s story of redemption in the Bible? Actually, the story involves two lions. These lions are at odds with one another. One is the essence of good and the other of evil.
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Addicted: A Story of Hope

My name is Carey, and I’m a former addict.

It’s only by God’s grace that I’m even able to write this article. As I write, I am into my eighth month of victory over a 10-year drug addiction. An addiction that consumed every aspect of my life. At any given moment, I could have ended my life. It all started with marijuana use and quickly progressed into an opioid habit.

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